Incredible way to conclude our Club's year! See the photos.

Many thanks to Past President Darryl Smith for leading our last meeting of 2024. Suzi Howe, PRID and Aide PE Mario Cesar Martins presented the last two Paul Harris Plus Pins of the year to Mike Hesse and Gary Johnson.
We held elections and we elected the following Officers and Directors to the Board: Teri Crawford (President), Ute Schneider (President-Elect), Becky Trout Unberhagen (President-Nominee), Bill Geissler (Secretary), Marilyn Musial (Treasurer), Scott Dyson (Sgt.-at-Arms), Margarita Hernandez (Director), Wayne Musial (Director) and Richard Simmons (Director).
The 2025 Raffle Fundraising kickoff was led by Steve Charbonneau, who distributed envelopes of 10 Raffle Tickets to each member. Raffle event will be held on March 8, 2025, TBD.

...and we closed our meeting with a great and inspiring interview with Russell Ybarra, who is known as the Master Enchilada Roller. Russell is the Founder and CEO of the Tex-Mex restaurants Gringos and Jimmy Changas. At the end, we gave him a $1,000 check made out to Camp Hope, one of his favorite non-profit donation recipients. He also signed his latest book “Enchilada Entrepreneur” and all proceeds are going to Camp Hope. As is our tradition in our Club to our guests, Russell wrote a motivational message to one of the children's books, that later on will be donated to different elementary school's libraries.